Global Commons

  • Arctic
    What’s Cracking in the Arctic?
    As rising global temperatures thaw the ice at the North Pole of the planet, competition between nuclear-powered states threatens to heat up the Arctic Circle even further. An increasingly minable Arctic, which contains vast natural resources, has piqued the economic interests of oil-hungry great powers, even as the warmer climate jeopardizes Indigenous tribes. Here’s how the Arctic could become the next frontier of great-power competition.
  • Global
    A Conversation With David Malpass
    World Bank President David Malpass discusses the overlapping challenges facing developing countries and opportunities for action.
  • Global
    What Happens When the World Hits 1.5°C of Warming?
    The world is running out of time to avoid the worst consequences of climate change. With the 2015 Paris Agreement, countries set a goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C (2.7°F) compared to 150 years ago. However, the planet is on track to pass 1.5°C by the end of this decade, which would lead to higher sea levels, hotter heat waves, and deadlier natural disasters. But countries can work to prevent those and even worse dangers by sticking to their climate pledges and limiting just how much the world overshoots its Paris Agreement goal.