See How Much You Know About the Cold War

School children and their teacher peer from beneath the table during New Jersey's first state-wide air raid test.
School children and their teacher peer from beneath the table during New Jersey's first state-wide air raid test. Bettmann/Getty Images

Test your knowledge of the Cold War, from the Iron Curtain to the Cuban missile crisis.

August 19, 2019 2:22 pm (EST)

School children and their teacher peer from beneath the table during New Jersey's first state-wide air raid test.
School children and their teacher peer from beneath the table during New Jersey's first state-wide air raid test. Bettmann/Getty Images
Test your knowledge of countries, history, economics, foreign policy, and more.

The decades-long confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union defined global diplomacy in the wake of World War II. Find out how much you know about the Cold War.

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