2,311 Results for:

December 7, 2015

Climate Change
Molina and Zaelke: Cutting Short-Lived Pollutants Can Give Quick Wins on Warming

Policymakers should look to reductions in potent, short-lived pollutants to reduce warming faster than cuts to carbon dioxide emissions alone, write Nobel Prize-winner Mario Molina and Institute for …

December 5, 2015

Climate Change
John Campbell: Climate Change and Ethnic and Religious Conflict in Nigeria

Climate change is nothing new in northern Nigeria, writes John Campbell, senior fellow for Africa Studies and former U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria, and its influence in local conflicts can already be fe…

December 4, 2015

Climate Change
Stewart Patrick: Combating Climate Change Beyond Paris

The UN climate talks in Paris are just one part of the international climate policy regime, write Stewart Patrick, director of the Program on International Institutions and Global Governance, and Res…

October 12, 2015

Guest Post: Financing to Protect Forests: Will Carbon Markets Deliver?

Carbon markets, once touted as a golden ticket for funding efforts to reduce deforestation, have yet to deliver on their promise. In this guest post, Brian Murray, research professor of environmental…


March 10, 2024

China’s Record Manufacturing Surplus

The U.S. likes talking about the dominance of the dollar. But don’t short-change China’s current dominance of manufacturing trade. Trade imbalances need to be taken seriously again.

Manufactured Goods Surpluses

July 3, 2006

United States
Paging Michael Mandel. I give up … there isn’t that much to worry about. At least not judging from the 2005 NIIP data.

OK, I am not really ready to give up.  But the 2005 net international investment position (NIIP) data sure didn't provide me much to work with.For a couple of years now I have been warning against th…