Dealing with a Post-Rebellion Qaddafi
from The Water's Edge

Dealing with a Post-Rebellion Qaddafi

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Diplomacy and International Institutions

The U.N. Security Council Chamber following the Council’s meeting on the crisis in Libya, where ongoing protests have been met by deadly government attacks, February 25, 2011. (UN Photo/John McIlwaine)

President Obama reversed course today on his go-slow approach to a no-fly zone for Libya. Now he is pushing the UN Security Council for an immediate vote on a resolution authorizing not just a no-fly zone but additional steps to halt pro-Qaddafi forces before they can take the rebel stronghold of Benghazi.

I’ll talk more about the Obama administration’s about face in tomorrow’s Friday File. In the meantime, I have a new piece up over at Fareed Zakaria’s GPS Blog on U.S. policy choices now that it looks like Col. Qaddafi will hold on to most, if not all, of Libya.

More on:

Diplomacy and International Institutions