Mugabe, Qaddafi, and Gbagbo: Strongmen Circling Their Wagons
from Africa in Transition

Mugabe, Qaddafi, and Gbagbo: Strongmen Circling Their Wagons

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Sub-Saharan Africa

Ivory Coast

Heads of State and Government

Wars and Conflict


Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe attends the plenary session of the Africa-South America Summit in Margarita Island September 27, 2009. (Jorge Silva/Courtesy Reuters)

It appears Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe has been supporting Cote d’Ivoire’s Laurent Gbagbo and Libyan dictator Muammar al-Qaddafi’s bids to hold on to power. Mugabe, who has a long and close relationship with Qaddafi, has reportedly provided fighters to assist the Libyan dictator. In Cote d’Ivoire, the United Nations is currently investigating a possible arms shipment from Zimbabwe to Gbagbo, violating the arms embargo on the country since 2004.

Although I haven’t yet seen a smoking gun in either case, I find both allegations credible and not surprising. Mugabe’s support for Gbagbo and Qaddafi can be seen as strongmen circling their wagons.

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More on:

Sub-Saharan Africa

Ivory Coast

Heads of State and Government

Wars and Conflict
