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March 31, 2015

Yemen and Gaza: Why the Different Reactions?

The Washington Post reported this today: An airstrike killed dozens of people Monday at a camp for displaced people in northern Yemen, in what appeared to be the single deadliest attack since a Saud…

January 1, 2014

Middle East and North Africa
Confidence-destroying Measures

Working toward an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement, negotiators always seek "confidence-building measures" or CBMs. These moves are supposed to show good faith and convince the other side to under…

September 20, 2012

United States
Middle East Matters This Week: Violence, Demonstrations, Evacuations, and Conciliation

Significant Middle East Developments Libya. U.S. deputy secretary of state William Burns flew into Tripoli today to meet with Libyan officials and to attend a ceremony in honor of Ambassador Chris S…

Lebanon's Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah addresses his supporters during a public appearance at an anti-U.S. protest in Beirut's southern suburbs on September 17, 2012 (Hasan Shaaban/Courtesy Reuters).

June 14, 2012

Middle East Matters This Week: Egypt’s Parliamentary Annulment and Increased Tensions over Syria

Significant Middle East Developments Egypt. Egypt’s Supreme Constitutional Court today deemed unconstitutional both the law governing the country’s recent parliamentary elections and the “Political …

 A protester shouts in front of police outside the Supreme Constitutional Court, where a decision is expected on the validity of the law passed by the Islamist-led parliament that sought to bar Ahmed Shafik in Cairo June 14, 2012 (Suhaib Salem/Courtesy Reuters).

May 25, 2012

How to Read Egypt’s Elections

Egypt’s next president is likely to be a member of the Muslim Brotherhood or a Mubarak-era figure. Either way, U.S. ties are likely to cool, says CFR’s Steven A. Cook.