94 Results for:

January 22, 2018

Digital Discord: The View From Russia

A panel of Russian independent journalists and founders of digital media startups will provide their perspective on U.S. coverage of the discord between the two countries, and discuss how it relates …

Play US and Russia flags

September 25, 2018

A Conversation With Justin Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland, and Jim Carr

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland, and International Trade Diversification Minister Jim Carr discuss Canada’s global outlook, including the government’s persp…

Play Canada

May 7, 2018

United States
The Challenge to Global Order: A Conversation With Richard N. Haass and the Council of Councils

Michael Fullilove, Richard N. Haass, Elizabeth Sidiropoulos, and Igor Yurgens speak about the mounting challenges to global governance and international cooperation, and launch of the Council of Coun…

Play UN Flags

January 22, 2009

Russian-American Relations Symposium: Session One: Russia's Economic and Political Outlook

Watch experts analyze the domestic political situation in Russia and the effects of the financial crisis on the Russian economy.


March 17, 2016

Preventing Catastrophic Nuclear Terrorism: A Conversation With Sam Nunn

Sam Nunn discusses preventing catastrophic nuclear terrorism.

Podcast Courtesy-Reuters-Kevin-Lama.jpg