586 Results for:

February 6, 2019

Iran’s Internal Challenges and Domestic Politics

Panelists discuss the political and economic challenges facing Iran internally, including the recent protests and the pressure to deliver economic development under the stress of sanctions.

Play Iran’s Internal Challenges and Domestic Politics

February 16, 2018

The Russia Probe and U.S. National Security: A Conversation With U.S. Rep. Adam B. Schiff

Adam B. Schiff (D-CA) discusses the national security implications of Russia's U.S. election interference, and the security concerns associated with North Korea and withdrawing from the Joint Compreh…

Play Adam B. Schiff

September 5, 2019

Military Operations
Robert B. McKeon Endowed Series on Military Strategy and Leadership with General Joseph Dunford

General Joseph Dunford discusses U.S. military and defense strategy in conflict areas around the world and the current state of cooperative efforts with U.S. allies.

Play A Conversation With General Joseph Dunford

September 11, 2014

United States
Senator Levin Calls for International Coalition to Oppose ISIS

Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) joins Michael Getler of PBS to discuss the ongoing crises in Ukraine, Syria, and Iraq and the U.S. response.


September 18, 2009

International Organizations
Previewing Pittsburgh: The G20 and the Global Economy

Representing 85 percent of the world’s economy, G20 leaders will gather for the upcoming Pittsburgh Summit to discuss issues critical to the future of the global financial system. Join Edwin M. Truma…
