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May 14, 2024

On to Wisconsin: RealEcon Visits the Badger State

From ginseng farms to food-processing facilities, Wisconsin businesses shine light on how trade policy and foreign investment impact rural America.

Darin Von Ruden, the owner of the Von Ruden's Organic Dairy Farm walks on his farm in Westby, Wisconsin, on October 3, 2020. - In western Wisconsin, where family-run dairy farms dot the rolling green hills and eagle-watchers peer into the sparkling marshland, signs for Donald Trump and Joe Biden stand directly across each other on neighbors' yards. In a polarized United States where Democrats and Republicans increasingly self-segregate, this stretch of the Upper Midwest alongside the Mississippi River looks

May 2, 2024

The Maldives Is Moving Toward China. Here’s What to Know.

Once a close Indian partner, the Maldives is now aligning more with China. Is the island nation becoming a flash point in the China-India relationship? 

May 15, 2024

Power and Financial Interdependence

My new paper for the Geoeconomics and Geofinance Initiative of the Institute Français des Relations Internationals’ (IFRI) explores the history of the Sino-American financial relationship.

Power and Financial Interdependence

December 7, 2022

Afghanistan War
Arthur Ross Book Award: "The American War in Afghanistan: A History"

Gideon Rose celebrates the winners of this year’s Arthur Ross Book Award: Carter Malkasian, Mary Elise Sarotte, and Nicole Perlroth. The program will include an award ceremony and conversation with M…

Play American soldiers in Afghanistan during a military operation

March 13, 2015

U.S. Intelligence in a Transforming World

CIA Director John O. Brennan joins CBS News' Charlie Rose to discuss the agency's global mission and approach to emerging and persistent threats.

Play photo-2_EC.jpg

January 1, 1997

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
A New U.S. Policy Toward India and Pakistan

Executive Summary Fifty years after gaining independence, India and Pakistan remain at odds. Given both countries’ de facto nuclear capabilities, their continued rivalry flirts with disaster. Yet …

May 28, 2024

The Man Who Would Help Trump Upend the Global Economy

As a potential U.S. Treasury secretary, Robert Lighthizer has more than trade policy to revolutionize.

U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer listens during a Senate Finance Committee hearing on President Donald Trump's 2020 Trade Policy Agenda on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.