86 Results for:

May 10, 2012

United States
Middle East Matters This Week: Israel’s Surprise Unity Agreement, Further Disunity in Syria

Significant Middle East Developments Israel. In a move that caught virtually all Israelis by surprise, prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced early Tuesday morning that he was forming a new uni…

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and new Kadima head Shaul Mofaz give a joint press conferece on May 8, 2012

January 6, 2014

Politics and Government
Some Clarity on Egypt

It may be me, but I am a little surprised that much of the commentary I have read about Egypt recently is shocked—just shocked—about the current turn of events.  I was blessedly offline for about nin…


September 11, 2014

Confronting ISIS Requires a Bigger Plan

The Obama administration’s plan for expanding its military campaign against ISIS, however worthy, raises questions about how the militants can be defeated on the ground, says CFR’s President Richard …

July 9, 2009

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Kashmir Militant Extremists

A profile of militant extremist groups in the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir.

January 16, 2014

Looking Toward Geneva II on Syria

If the Geneva II conference on Syria takes place as scheduled next week, its best outcome would be a green light from Assad’s regime for greater humanitarian relief, says expert Frederic C. Hof.