177 Results for:

February 25, 2016

Xi Jinping on the Global Stage

In light of China's deepening economic slowdown, "China's foreign policy may well be driven increasingly by the risk of domestic political instability," write Robert D. Blackwill, Henry A. Kissinger …

January 29, 2018

Donald Trump
Sovereignty in the Spotlight: What Trump Gets Right and Wrong

On the eve of Trump's first State of the Union address, it is worth reviewing what is behind his America First doctrine and what does its focus on national sovereignty signal for the future of U.S. g…

Trump Rally

January 28, 2021

Biden Administration Sends Important Signals for the Future of U.S.-Taiwan Ties

Following Joe Biden’s election as the forty-sixth president of the United States, many people in Taiwan feared that U.S.-Taiwan relations would suffer. According to one poll conducted prior to the pr…

A F-CK-1 Ching-kuo Indigenous Defence Fighter (IDF) is seen at an Air Force base in Tainan, Taiwan, on January 26, 2021.

October 6, 2016

U.S. Strategy in Asia: Is the Pivot Working?

Experts discuss the Obama administration's "Pivot to Asia" strategy, its successes and failures, and the evolving dynamics of U.S. relations across Asia.

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October 27, 2016

Podcast: The Future of U.S. Statecraft in Asia

“The lion’s share of the history of the 21st century is going to play out in Asia,” states Kurt Campbell, the former assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs, on this week’s As…

Podcast Kurt Campbell: The Future of U.S. Statecraft in Asia