148 Results for:

September 17, 2018

The Right Way to Achieve Security in Space

The United States needs to champion international cooperation and work toward collective rather than unilateral security in outer space. 

An astronaut aboard the International Space Station captures a photo of a tropical storm in the Gulf of Mexico.

October 18, 2019

United States
Trump Kills the G7's Legitimacy

Questions of legitimacy have long plagued the G7. The Trump administration's announcement of the Trump National Doral resort as the venue for next year's summit marks a new low.

U.S. President Donald Trump arrives to a news conference at the end of the G7 summit in Biarritz, France.

February 5, 2018

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Congress Must Avoid an 'America First' Policy on Artificial Intelligence

Policymakers should take a global approach in formulating artificial intelligence policy. 

AI hands

April 18, 2018

Technology and Innovation
Democrats Can Campaign on Technology for Edge in 2020

America-first rhetoric omits two important causes of middle America's economic woes: technology and automation. Democrats could use this to their advantage in the 2020 presidential election.  

Robotic arms assemble Tesla Model S sedans at the company's factory in Fremont, California.

November 17, 2017

Defense Technology
Can Civil Society Succeed In Its Quest to Ban ‘Killer Robots’?

The following is a guest post by Megan Roberts, associate director of the International Institutions and Global Governance program, and Kyle Evanoff, research associate, international economics and U…

A Royal Marine poses for photographers with the Unmanned Vehicle Robot, Testudo, at the launch of the Defense Technology Plan in London on February 26, 2009.