508 Results for:

December 10, 2019

Foreign Money in U.S. Universities: Implications for Academic Freedom and National Security

Speakers discuss the power yielded by foreign governments through large donations to U.S. universities, the proliferation of government-funded Confucius Institutes on campuses, and the potential thre…

Play Foreign Money in U.S. Universities: Implications for Academic Freedom and National Security

May 16, 2023

United States
Why Today Is Not Like the 1850s

American politics turned hyper toxic several years ago, and ever since commentators have raised the specter of a second civil war. No other historical parallel, it seems, captures so viscerally today…

Supporters of former U.S. President Donald Trump stand near Confederate and U.S. flags in Wellington, Ohio on June 26, 2021.

February 15, 2021

United States
TWE Celebrates Presidents’ Day

Today is Presidents’ Day. It is a TWE tradition to recognize the forty-five men—and they have all been men—who have been president on Presidents’ Day with the following essay, which has been revised …

White House

November 20, 2019

United States
National Security and Silicon Valley

Council on Foreign Relations 11/20/2019 Academic Conference Call: National Security and Silicon Valley with Amy B. Zegart.


February 27, 2018

United States
The Foreign Policy Legacy of the Founding Fathers

Speakers discuss the founding of the United States, the priorities and goals debated during the framing of the U.S. Constitution, and what eighteenth century politics can teach us about modern U.S. f…

Play The White House