668 Results for:

July 23, 2020

Elections and Voting
Cyber Week in Review: July 23, 2020

Congressional Democrats demand FBI briefing on foreign disinformation campaign targeting 2020 election; DOJ charges Chinese hackers with targeting coronavirus vaccine research; Major Twitter breach l…

Representative Ken Buck (R-CO) listens during a hearing of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee.

September 1, 2005

Congresses and Parliaments
Both Sides of the Aisle

Overview People naturally disagree about who is responsible for the partisan tone and tactics in Washington, DC, these days, but most agree on this: It's worse, it's more intense, and it's nastier…

November 20, 2023

Financial Markets
Term Member Meeting With Former SEC Chairman Jay Clayton

Please join your fellow term members for a discussion with former Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman Jay Clayton on a range of topics including how financial markets and corporate exec…

Play Jay Clayton, former chairman of the SEC, speaks during the 13D Monitor's Active-Passive Investor Summit.

December 11, 2019

The USMCA Breakthrough: The New U.S. Trade Consensus and What it Means for the World

In the history of the domestic politics of trade, the breakthrough announced this week on the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) is a genuine milestone. Following intensive negotiations—in…

Pelosi USMCA Trade News Conference

February 15, 2019

The Looming Taiwan Crisis

Forty years of finessing Taiwan’s status may be coming to a dangerous end.

President Tsai Ing-wen attends the annual Han Kuang military drill in Penghu, Taiwan May 25, 2017