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April 5, 2018

Mexico's Election Could Leave Its Economy in Limbo — No Matter Who Wins

Pena Nieto’s structural reforms in Mexico have yielded a few quick gains, mostly in telecom prices and access to credit, but most of the benefits are yet to come. However many may not, as justified frustration with the government’s fiscal mismanagement and corruption leads voters to turn away from a more open economic model before the advantages appear.

A union worker holds a placard as she protests outside Pemex headquarters to demand better contracts for technicians and other professionals, in Mexico City, Mexico November 7, 2017. The placard reads: "The oil is from the nation"

April 2, 2018

Venezuela’s Migration Crisis

Yesterday I joined Dany Bahar, David M. Rubenstein Fellow at the Brookings Institution, and Francisca Vigaud-Walsh, Senior Advocate for Women and Girls at Refugees International, at the Inter-America…

O'Neil speaks at the Inter-American Dialogue

October 16, 2013

United States
North America’s Energy Boom

The past week, I participated in an IMF panel discussion on the North American energy boom with fellow energy watchers Alejandro Werner, Director of the IMF’s Western Hemisphere Department, Alejandro…

NA Energy Boom2

September 19, 2013

Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations Head to Washington

One of the potentially biggest economic initiatives for Obama’s second term is the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Started some seven years ago by four Pacific nations—Brunei Darussalam, Chile, New …


September 12, 2013

Foreign Direct Investment and Jobs in Latin America

In 2012 Latin America received its largest amount of foreign direct investment (FDI) to date: $170 billion or 12 percent of global flows. These flows went into a range of sectors from mining and petr…

FDI and Jobs Pic 3 - Latintelligence