556 Results for:

July 10, 2005

Has a slowing Chinese economy eliminated domestic pressure for a renminbi revaluation?

Alan Greenspan told Senators Schumer and Graham that China would soon make its currency regime more flexible, and that they should hold off. They no doubt took "flexible" to mean "let its currency ap…

August 11, 2010

Profile: Hassan Nasrallah

A profile of Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary-general of Hezbollah.

March 4, 2014

International Organizations
At Stake in Ukraine: The Future of World Order

British Foreign Secretary William Hague has aptly labeled Ukraine the “biggest crisis in Europe in the twenty-first century.” Indeed, he could have gone further. The Russian intervention will reverb…

August 5, 2011

Defense and Security
Friday File: Debt Debate—The Sequel

A woman walks past the U.S. Capitol dome, seen through a porthole in nearby brick-work on August 2, 2011. (Jonathan Ernst/courtesy Reuters) Above the Fold. Circle November 23 on your calendar. That’…

Friday File: Debt Debate—The Sequel

February 20, 2009

China’s Resource Buys

Note: This post is by Rachel Ziemba of RGE Monitor (where this first appeared) thanks again to Brad for letting me fill in while he’s on vacation. note: I’ve made a slight update to the discussion o…