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June 14, 2019

Stabilizing Venezuela: Scenarios and Options

The Venezuelan crisis threatens the interests and security of the United States and Venezuela's neighbors. The United States and regional partners need to provide humanitarian relief and security assistance and accelerate change to a post-Maduro democracy.

An opposition demonstrator walks near a bus in flames during clashes with soldiers loyal to Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in the surroundings of La Carlota military base in Caracas on April 30, 2019.

October 28, 2016

How Venezuela Got Into This Mess

[This post was co-authored with John Polga-Hecimovich*] By the end of 2017, the Venezuelan economy will likely be less than three-quarters of its 2013 size. Inflation is set to increase from 700 p…


September 9, 2016

This Week in Markets and Democracy: Central America Takes on Corruption, Venezuela’s Protests, G20 Summit

Central America Takes on Corruption  Central American judiciaries have been stepping up to fight corruption. Last year Guatemala’s attorney general’s office, working closely with UN-backed Internati…

Venezuelans living in Mexico take part in a protest to demand a referendum to remove Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro at Angel de la Independencia monument in Mexico City, Mexico, September 4, 2016 (Reuters/Edgard Garrido).

February 27, 2018

Venezuela's Neighbors Can't Wait for Uncle Sam

Venezuela’s refugee crisis is metastasizing. According to the United Nations, 5,000 Venezuelans have fled to Curacao, 20,000 to Aruba, 30,000 to Brazil, 40,000 to Trinidad and Tobago, and more than 6…

People cross over the Simon Bolivar international bridge to Colombia from San Antonio del Tachira.

October 28, 2016

Three Factors Driving Venezuela’s Impasse

[This post was co-authored with John Polga-Hecimovich*] The increasingly dangerous crisis in Venezuela (described in the first post of this series), has been complicated by the political economy o…
