3,544 Results for:

May 1, 2014

Middle East and North Africa
Aid to the Palestinians: Why Rand Paul is Wrong

Senator Rand Paul has tried to attain some pro-Israel credentials by introducing S. 2265, the “Stand With Israel Act of 2014.” The bill would cut off every cent of aid to the Palestinian Authority un…

September 19, 2017

A Conversation With Paul Kagame of Rwanda

For further reading, please see the Foreign Affairs article “Kagame’s Unrivaled Power” by Tom Gardner, the CFR blog post “Empowering Women in Developing Economies” by Melanne Verveer and Mathilde Muk…

Play Kagame

June 7, 2011

A Conversation with Paul Kagame

Paul Kagame, president of the Republic of Rwanda, discusses Rwanda's domestic and foreign policies, as well as the dire need for a stronger energy infrastructure.


February 13, 2023

From Bad to Worse in Cameroon?

As President Paul Biya turns ninety this week, an escalating power struggle for his position leaves most Cameroonians with little to celebrate.  

Militants of President Paul Biya of Cameroon march ahead of National Youth Day celebrations on February 11, 2023.

January 25, 2024

Gabon’s Balancing Act

Gabon’s transitional government struggles to make the case for readmission into regional and global institutions.   

Gabon's transitional president General Brice Oligui Nguema salutes as he is inaugurated, in Libreville, Gabon on September 4, 2023.