101 Results for:

November 12, 2010

United States
An Rx for Debt Reduction?

Cutting the federal deficit is seen as essential for reviving the country’s economic standing. CFR’s Peter Orszag looks at some of the pros and cons of recommendations by a presidential commission’s …

November 5, 2010

Congresses and Parliaments
Gridlock on U.S. Economic Policy

GOP election gains make it less likely Congress will enact needed deficit cuts and more fiscal stimulus, and the Fed’s quantitative easing plan could create new bubbles, says CFR Distinguished Visiti…

October 7, 2010

Economic Crises
A Divided and Insular EU

The eurozone fiscal crisis has led many EU members to discount the benefits of European integration, but the bloc is likely to muddle along and focus on inward relations while bonds with Washington w…

May 12, 2010

Economic Crises
Tough Love for Eurozone

Saving the European Union requires a plan to allow fiscally weak member countries to fail, as well as painful lifestyle changes and some loss of national sovereignty, says the Centre for European Pol…