10,761 Results for:

November 21, 2023

Russia’s Influence in the Balkans

The Balkans have long been a source of tension between Russia and the West, with Moscow cultivating allies there as the EU and NATO expand into the region. The war in Ukraine could be shifting the ca…

A mural depicting Russian president Vladimir Putin with a text reading kosovo is Serbia on October 22, 2020 in Belgrade, Serbia.

January 31, 2024

Academic Webinar: China-Russia Relations

Thomas Graham, distinguished fellow at CFR, and Zongyuan Zoe Liu, Maurice R. Greenberg fellow for China studies at CFR, lead the conversation on China-Russia relations. FASKIANOS: Welcome to today…

Play Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping shaking hands.

July 1, 2024

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
How NATO’s Summit Sends Signal to Critics

As NATO leaders convene in Washington next week, three critical audiences will be eyeing the summit closely.

An assistant puts a Ukrainian flag among the flags of the NATO members inside the NATO Council during the 2023 summit in Vilnius, Lithuania.

March 7, 2024

Why Russia’s Election Matters to Putin

This month’s vote will be the first conducted while Russia is involved in a major war, and Vladimir Putin is counting on a strong show of national unity and highlighting support in occupied Ukraine.

February 15, 2024

Leadership Change in Russia

Vladimir Putin’s grip on power in Russia does not appear as ironclad as it once did. Liana Fix and Maria Snegovaya recommend that the United States prepare for potential leadership change in Moscow a…

Vladimir Putin walks with Russian generals in 2021.

December 19, 2023

What a Democratic Russia Would Mean for the United States

When the Soviet Union collapsed more than thirty years ago, American leaders hoped that Russia would embark on a transition to free-market democracy. Shared democratic values, the thinking went, woul…

February 1, 2024

Mobilizing Russia’s Immobilized Reserves

A quick note on the debate over the use of Russia’s frozen reserves.

Euro banknotes at a money exchange office.

September 27, 2023

What Ukraine Needs to Win the War Against Russia

If Western allies fail to send Ukraine the weapons it needs, the odds increase of the war dragging on indefinitely, at a terrible cost to both Ukraine and Russia and a growing risk to the wider world…

October 3, 2023

Getting Russia Right

Thomas Graham offers a practical vision of U.S.-Russia relations.

March 14, 2024

Russia’s Gloomy ‘Elections’, U.S. Budget Divisions, Elton John-Bernie Taupin Awarded, and More

Russia holds its presidential election with the Kremlin aiming to orchestrate a sweeping endorsement of President Vladimir Putin; the U.S. Congress continues its partisan battles over the 2024 budget…

Podcast People walk past a cardboard cut-out of President Vladimir Putin displayed in a souvenir shop ahead of the upcoming elections for the President of Russia on March 14, 2024 in Moscow, Russia.