178 Results for:

April 4, 2012

Will Assad Return To Killing Lebanese Leaders?

Throughout the past decade there have been a series of assassinations and attempted murders of political leaders in Lebanon. Almost all of these plots have one common element: the person whose life w…

Samir Geagea

October 20, 2012

Middle East and North Africa
Syria’s New Attack on Lebanon

Fears are expressed almost every day that the war in Syria will spread to Lebanon, or to all of Syria’s neighbors. The problem, however, is not that the war "will spread" as if by nature, inevitably,…

December 15, 2015

Lebanon’s "Worthless" Government and the Fight Over the Presidency

It is rare for the prime minister of any country to call its government “worthless,” but Prime Minister Tammam Salam of Lebanon just did. For 19 months Lebanon has been unable to elect a president, a…

October 28, 2015

United States
The Future of U.S. Immigration Policy

Experts discuss the future of immigration policy in the United States, focusing on immigrants from Central and South America.

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August 18, 2012

Tunisia’s Shame

The existence of "World Jerusalem Day" is itself a source of shame to all its "celebrants", for it has now become a day when orgies of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic rhetoric are produced.  In Iran thi…