770 Results for:

April 24, 2014

Obama Won’t Meet Anwar, But Susan Rice Will

After sustained pressure from human rights groups, democracy advocates in Congress, and some within the Obama administration who were worried (rightly) that Obama touting Malaysia as a model democrac…


August 17, 2011

International Organizations
Nation. Meet Susan Rice.

Nation. Meet Susan Rice. On Monday night, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations was on the Colbert Report. She used typical  UN sovereignty-stealing trickery—like logic and nuance—to “explain”…

November 17, 2016

The Future of U.S.-Cuba Relations

Council on Foreign Relations 11/17/16 Academic Conference Call on The Future of U.S.-Cuba Relations with Susan Kaufman Purcell


January 11, 2012

Ten Whats With...Dr. Susan Bissell

Dr. Susan Bissell is Associate Director and Programmes Chief Child Protection, UNICEF, based in New York.  Susan joined UNICEF in 1987 where her work has taken her to Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India, Ha…

Susan Bissell

June 5, 2013

Defense and Security
Hello, Susan Rice: National Security Adviser

When one door closes another one opens. Susan Rice can certainly vouch for that pithy piece of advice. Early last fall the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations looked to be a shoe-in to succeed Hill…

U.S. ambassador to the UN Susan Rice speaks in the Rose Garden after Obama's announcement that Rice will be his next national security adviser (Joshua Roberts/Courtesy Reuters).