665 Results for:

January 21, 2015

United States
Howard Dean and Grover Norquist on the Successes and Failures of LBJ's Great Society

Former governor of Vermont, Howard Dean, and Americans for Tax Reform's Grover Norquist, join Politico's Michael P. Hirsh, to discuss President Lyndon B. Johnson’s broad social agenda, the Great Soci…


February 16, 2015

TWE Celebrates Presidents’ Day

Today is Presidents’ Day. It is a TWE tradition to recognize the forty-three men—and they have all been men—who have been president on Presidents’ Day with the following essay. If you are lucky enoug…

President George W. Bush meets with former Presidents and President-elect Obama in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, January 2009. (Kevin Lamarque/courtesy Reuters)

February 20, 2012

TWE Celebrates Presidents’ Day

It is a TWE tradition to recognize the forty-three men—and they have all been men—who have been president on Presidents’ day with the following essay: A few presidents have loved the job. Teddy Roos…

President George W. Bush meets with former Presidents and President-elect Obama in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, January 2009. (Kevin Lamarque/courtesy Reuters)

February 17, 2014

TWE Celebrates Presidents’ Day

Today is Presidents’ Day. It is a TWE tradition to recognize the forty-three men—and they have all been men—who have been president on Presidents’ Day with the following essay. If you are lucky enoug…

President George W. Bush meets with former Presidents and President-elect Obama in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, January 2009. (Kevin Lamarque/courtesy Reuters)

June 19, 2019

World Economic Update

The World Economic Update highlights the quarter’s most important and emerging trends. Discussions cover changes in the global marketplace with special emphasis on current economic events and their i…

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