2,997 Results for:

March 7, 2008

Luers: Possible Solution for U.S.-Iran Nuclear Standoff

William Luers, former U.S. envoy to Venezuela and Czechoslovakia, discusses his proposed multilateral nuclear-enrichment plan, which he believes could end the current Iranian nuclear crisis.

November 9, 2020

Human Trafficking
The Global Health Crisis and Human Trafficking Are Correlated–But How?

This post is part of the Council on Foreign Relations’ blog series on human trafficking, in which CFR fellows and other leading experts assess new approaches to improve U.S. and global efforts to cur…

Women at a Textile Mill

May 2, 2006

Drozdiak: German Chancellor Likely to Press Bush for Direct Talks with Iran

The president of the American Council on Germany sees a "definite improvement" in U.S.-German relations since Angela Merkel became chancellor five months ago. Ahead of Merkel’s second visit to Washin…

November 5, 2014

United States
Ten Cold War Novels Worth Reading

If you want to know the facts about the Cold War, you should read histories and memoirs. If you want to know how the Cold War felt, you should read novels. Why? Because “fiction reveals truths that r…


January 8, 2007

Drozdiak: Merkel’s Visit Points Up ’Big Improvement’ in United States-German Relations

William Drozdiak, president of the independent American Council on Germany, says the White House meeting last week between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Bush indicates “they seem to h…