

Authoritative, accessible, and regularly updated primers on hundreds of foreign policy topics.


Why China-Taiwan Relations Are So Tense

Differences over Taiwan’s status have fueled rising tensions between the island and the mainland. Taiwan has the potential to be a flash point in U.S.-China relations.

Energy and Environment

How the U.S. Oil and Gas Industry Works

The United States is the world’s top producer of oil and natural gas. Its decision to either continue at this pace or curb production to achieve its climate goals will have global consequences.

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United States
Inequality and Tax Rates: A Global Comparison
With economic inequality at an all-time high, some U.S. presidential candidates are proposing dramatic shifts to the U.S. tax code. How have similar plans worked elsewhere in the world?
United States
The U.S. Trade Deficit: How Much Does It Matter?
President Trump has made reducing the U.S. trade deficit a priority, blaming trade deals like NAFTA, but economists disagree over how policymakers should respond.
Saudi Arabia
U.S.-Saudi Arabia Relations
Relations between the two countries, long bound by common interests in oil and security, have strained over what some analysts see as a more assertive Saudi foreign policy.
Brazil’s Corruption Fallout
Federal investigators in Brazil have uncovered corruption at the highest levels of the government and in the country’s largest corporations.
Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
The Uncertain Future of the INF Treaty
A landmark arms control agreement concluded between the United States and the Soviet Union in the final years of the Cold War is at risk of unraveling amid mutual suspicions.
Christianity in China
Tens of millions of Chinese now identify as Christians, and the number has grown rapidly, posing challenges for a government that is officially atheist and wary of threats to its power.
United States
How Does the U.S. Spend Its Foreign Aid?
With President Trump advocating for deep cuts to U.S. foreign aid, debate has renewed over the role of foreign assistance funds in boosting growth, promoting democracy, and saving lives.
Nigeria’s Battle With Boko Haram
Through mass kidnappings, bombings, and other acts of terrorism, the Islamist insurgent group remains an enduring threat to northern Nigeria and the Lake Chad Basin.
Nuclear Weapons
‘No First Use’ and Nuclear Weapons
Nearly all nuclear weapon states, as a matter of policy, remain ready to use their weapons without having first suffered a nuclear attack.
Democratic Republic of Congo
The Cobalt Boom
As technology companies and carmakers become increasingly reliant on cobalt, many business, government, and nonprofit leaders have grown concerned about the mineral’s controversial supply chain.
South Korea
South Korea’s Chaebol Challenge
South Korea’s megaconglomerates have helped lift the country out of poverty, but their extraordinary influence could put the health of the Korean economy at risk.
Abenomics and the Japanese Economy
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has introduced an audacious set of economic policies designed to spur the country out of its decades-long deflationary slump. The results have so far been mixed.
United States
The Risks of U.S. Steel and Aluminum Tariffs
President Trump argues that tariffs are necessary to protect U.S. national security, but many experts argue that the measures could backfire.
Russia, Trump, and the 2016 U.S. Election
Charges of foreign power interference in the U.S. presidential election have raised grave national security concerns and touched off multiple federal inquiries that could drag on for months.
What to Know About Italy’s 2018 Elections
Italy’s elections will shape the country’s response to economic stagnation, migration woes, and European integration, with repercussions across the continent.