

Authoritative, accessible, and regularly updated primers on hundreds of foreign policy topics.


Why China-Taiwan Relations Are So Tense

Differences over Taiwan’s status have fueled rising tensions between the island and the mainland. Taiwan has the potential to be a flash point in U.S.-China relations.

Energy and Environment

How the U.S. Oil and Gas Industry Works

The United States is the world’s top producer of oil and natural gas. Its decision to either continue at this pace or curb production to achieve its climate goals will have global consequences.

Explainers Video Filters and Cards

China’s Big Bet on Soft Power
China is believed to spend billions of dollars to boost its international image, but it has yet to see a marked return on its investment in soft power.
Nuclear Weapons
U.S. Nuclear Weapons Modernization
U.S. strategic and tactical nuclear weapons on land, in the air, and at sea, will undergo costly and extensive modernization in the coming years.
United States
How Will the Tax Overhaul Affect U.S. Competitiveness?
President Trump and Republican lawmakers say their tax legislation will increase the global competitiveness of U.S. businesses, but experts are divided over whether it will spur growth, and many are worried about a surge in the national debt.
What’s At Stake With the U.S. Recognition of Jerusalem
President Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and relocate the embassy there could inspire protest and set back the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.
What to Watch For in Post-ISIS Iraq and Syria
As the campaigns to wrest the Islamic State from the territory it held in Iraq and Syria near completion, new conflicts may arise if old political arrangements prevail.
Making Sense of China’s Nineteenth Party Congress
As China’s senior Communist Party members anoint its future leaders, President Xi Jinping is poised to solidify his position and power at next week’s party congress.
What’s at Stake in the German Elections?
Germany’s elections will determine whether Chancellor Angela Merkel remains in power, with ramifications for the migration crisis, the future of the European Union, and U.S.-German relations.
North Korea
Can Ballistic Missile Defense Shield Guam From North Korea?
Attempts by the United States and Japan to intercept North Korean ballistic missiles headed toward Guam could fail and undermine the credibility of missile defense.
How Al Jazeera Amplifies Qatar’s Clout
One of the world’s most-watched news networks is at the center of a geopolitical rift between a Saudi-led bloc and the broadcaster’s funder, Qatar.
China in Africa
China has become Africa’s largest trade partner and has greatly expanded its economic ties to the continent, but its growing activities there have raised questions about its noninterference policy. 
G20 (Group of Twenty)
What to Know About the Hamburg G20 Summit
The G20 summit comes amid tensions over trade, climate, and refugee policy and increased uncertainty over the U.S. commitment to multilateral institutions.
The FBI’s Role in National Security
The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been reoriented toward counterterrorism in recent years, but continues to face charges of overreach.
What's at Stake in the UK Elections?
As the United Kingdom recovers from a string of terror attacks, the country’s parliamentary elections could determine the course of its Brexit negotiations, trade and economic policy, internal borders, and foreign relations.
Paris Climate Agreement
The Consequences of Leaving the Paris Agreement
By withdrawing from the Paris accord, the United States—the second-largest global emitter—could undercut collective efforts to reduce emissions, transition to renewable energy sources, and lock in future climate measures.
Syrian Civil War
Who’s Who in Syria’s Civil War
Syria’s civil war is being fought on multiple fronts by an array of combatants whose alliances, capabilities, and in some cases motives have been in flux.