

Authoritative, accessible, and regularly updated primers on hundreds of foreign policy topics.


Why China-Taiwan Relations Are So Tense

Differences over Taiwan’s status have fueled rising tensions between the island and the mainland. Taiwan has the potential to be a flash point in U.S.-China relations.

Energy and Environment

How the U.S. Oil and Gas Industry Works

The United States is the world’s top producer of oil and natural gas. Its decision to either continue at this pace or curb production to achieve its climate goals will have global consequences.

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Competition in the Indian Ocean
China and India increasingly vie for strategic advantage in the Indian Ocean, while also cooperating on some transnational security issues.  
Water Clouds on the Tibetan Plateau
Asia’s major rivers depend on water flows from the Himalayas, and as regional demand continues to grow, a looming water crisis emerges.
Southern Asia’s Nuclear Powers
China, India, and Pakistan have relatively small but growing nuclear arms programs. This nuclear competition is raising concern because of long-simmering tensions and a lack of efforts at minimizing the risk posed by these weapons.
Emerging Markets
Currency Crises in Emerging Markets
Projected capital outflows are placing pressure on the currencies of some of the world most dynamic emerging markets. 
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization
Eurasia’s Shanghai Cooperation Organization has expanded its agenda to include wide-reaching security and economic initiatives, but it remains to be seen if the bloc’s members can develop and implement unified policy.
The Russian Military
Military power has reemerged as an important component of Russian foreign policy, which some believe aims to reestablish Russian hegemony in the region.
Europe’s Migration Crisis
An escalating migration crisis is testing the European Union’s commitment to human rights and open borders.
Iran Nuclear Agreement
International Sanctions on Iran
U.S. and international sanctions have battered the Iranian economy and brought Tehran to negotiate over its nuclear program. Lifting them is central to a deal but will be a complex process.
Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)
Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has emerged as one of the most dangerous al-Qaeda affiliates, strengthening amid political unrest in Yemen. 
Fossil Fuels
Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking)
Hydraulic fracturing has unlocked huge reserves of shale gas and oil, transforming the energy outlook in the United States and the world, even as local opposition and falling world prices threaten the industry.
Building the New Silk Road
The United States and China have developed competing visions for reviving ancient trade routes connecting Asia and Europe. The U.S. diplomatic strategy focuses on Afghanistan, while China hopes to economically integrate Central and South Asia. India and Russia also have regional ambitions.
Nicaragua’s Grand Canal
Nicaragua’s proposed Grand Canal would be one of the world’s largest engineering projects. Its proponents say it could transform the country’s economy, while critics say it could be an environmental catastrophe.
Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb
Algerian and Western counterterrorism efforts, along with an African-led peacekeeping force in Mali, have shifted the North African al-Qaeda franchise’s criminal and terrorist activities to remote areas of the Sahara and Sahel.
Financial Markets
The Credit Rating Controversy
The three major credit rating agencies have been accused of contributing to the global financial crisis, drawing increased oversight from regulators in the United States and Europe. Nonetheless, investors continue to rely on the largely unchanged ratings services.
The Eurozone in Crisis
The eurozone, once seen as a crowning achievement in the decades-long path toward European integration, continues to struggle with the effects of its sovereign debt crises and their implications for the future of the common currency.