16 Results for:

December 3, 2018

Advancing Natural Gas Reform in Ukraine

The Donald J. Trump administration should place energy-sector reform at the center of its relationship with Ukraine. Doing so would constitute a low-risk, high-reward strategy for Washington to counter Moscow’s influence at the NATO border.

A Ukrainian worker checks gas valves of the main natural gas pipeline at the gas-compressor station in Boyarka village.

December 7, 2018

From Fiscal Drain to Economic Engine: The Case for Reforming Ukraine’s Energy Sector

Sagatom Saha is an energy policy analyst and former visiting fellow at DiXi Group, a Ukraine-based think tank focused on energy-sector analysis. Ilya Zaslavskiy is the head of research at the Free Ru…

An employee turns a valve at a gas compressor station in the village of Boyarka, outside Kiev, April 22, 2015

January 27, 2016

Censorship and Free Expression in Modern Russia

Four Russian literary figures share their experience as creative intellectuals in modern Russia and provide their perspective on the Russian government’s use of media, literature, and other forms of …

Play RTX1WZEP_EC.jpg

July 23, 2018

Pakistan’s General Election 2018: So Far, No Cause for Celebration

Ahead of national elections in Pakistan this week, allegations of pre-poll rigging, press intimidation, and the mainstreaming of militant groups are all cause for concern.

Pakistan elections 7.23.2018

July 18, 2006

The Chechen Separatist Movement

Chechen separatist Shamil Basayev is one of several rebel leaders to die violently in recent years. His death leaves the future of the movement in doubt.