707 Results for:

September 12, 2023

United States
AI’s Impact on the 2024 U.S. Elections, With Jessica Brandt

Jessica Brandt, policy director for the Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technology Initiative at the Brookings Institution, where she is a fellow in the Strobe Talbott Center for Security, Strat…

Podcast A double exposure of an abstract creative programming illustration on the U.S. flag

July 21, 2022

A Conversation With U.S. Special Envoy Jessica Stern

U.S. Special Envoy Jessica Stern discusses the global state of LGBTQI+ rights, findings from the release of the first annual Interagency Report on the Implementation of the Presidential Memorandum on…

Play Thousands protest during the annual Queer Liberation March

September 30, 2016

A Conversation with Martha Chen

Martha Chen addressed the overrepresentation of women in the informal economy and the challenges they face – including low earnings and lack of social protections, which reinforce the cycle of povert…

Podcast Martha Chen Roundtable - Informal Economy - RTX1QJYH .jpg

May 31, 2012

China’s Chen Guangcheng

I had the good fortune this morning to see Chen Guangcheng speak here at the Council on Foreign Relations (and you can watch it here too). Over the course of the hour he answered questions ranging fr…

China’s Chen Guangchen - LAM

May 31, 2012

Human Rights
What's Next for Chen Guangcheng?

Activist and advocate Chen Guangcheng discusses his personal journey, human rights, and the rule of law in China.


January 12, 2024

Taiwan’s Presidential Election: Expert Analysis From CFR and Foreign Affairs

As Taiwan’s voters head to the polls on January 13 to elect a new president and legislature, the Council on Foreign Relations and Foreign Affairs magazine offer resources and analysis on the context …