483 Results for:

September 22, 2023

A Conversation With Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares of Spain

Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation José Manuel Albares discusses Spain’s role in the EU, the challenge of climate change, and the geopolitics of the region. 

Play José Manuel Albares sitting next to Spanish flag

March 10, 2009

Monetary Policy
Monetary Nationalism Will Worsen Economic Crisis, Warns New Book by Benn Steil and Manuel Hinds

As a global economic crisis unfolds, a new book by CFR director of international economics Benn Steil and former Salvadoran finance minister Manuel Hinds warns that the incompatibility of globalizati…

July 9, 2024

Latin America
In Latin America, Your Zip Code—Not Just Your Nationality—Determines Whether You Live in a Democracy

Many big cities are doing well, but in flyover country organized crime and corruption often smother democracy.

Photo of the municipality of Jantetelco in Morelos state

May 30, 2017

U.S. Foreign Policy
Manuel Noriega, 1934-2017

Manuel Noriega died over the weekend, and therein lie many tales. The ancient Latin bromide de mortuis nihil nisi bonum must be stretched to discuss Noriega, who until his capture and jailing by t…

October 13, 2006

Financial Markets
Playing Monopoly with the Devil: Developing World Needs to Adopt the Dollar as its Currency

Replacing domestic currencies with an international one is the best way for developing countries to create a financially stable environment and integrate into the ever-globalizing world economy, argu…

September 24, 2010

A Conversation with Juan Manuel Santos Calderón

President of the Republic of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos Calderón, discusses Colombia's economic advances, as well as new security measures to combat militants and drug warlords.
