Richard N. Foster

Managing Partner, Millbrook Management Group LLC

Mr. Foster is managing partner of Millbrook Management Group LLC. Prior to forming Millbrook Mr. Foster was a senior partner and director of McKinsey and Company, where his most recent position was as managing director of McKinsey's Private Equity practice. Mr. Foster joined the Firm in 1973, was elected partner in 1977, and senior partner in 1982. Mr. Foster has written two best selling business books, Innovation: The Attacker's Advantage (1986) and Creative Destruction (2001), that focus on the relationship between innovation, capital formation and destruction, and risk. Mr. Foster is a member of the following boards: Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital, where he is chairman of the Operations and Policy Committee; the W. M. Keck Foundation, the Council for Aid to Education, where he is chairman of the Strategy Committee, the Trust Company of the West, Athenahealth, Cardax Pharmaceuticals, and Innosight. He is based in New York, NY.

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