169 Results for:

April 4, 2014

A Conversation with Vali Nasr

Vali Nasr discusses the role of diversity in international affairs.


February 12, 2007

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
Nasr: Iran Seeks to Deescalate Tension

CFR’s Vali R. Nasr says Iran is "keen" to adopt a "more conciliatory posture" as the U.S. steps up pressure on Iran.

August 3, 2006

Nasr: Iran Sees Lebanon Strife as Way to Pressure Washington

Vali R. Nasr, a leading expert on Iran and Shiites, sees the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah as a way for Iran to demonstrate its ability to hold off any Israeli or U.S. military moves and pres…

January 31, 2006

United States
Vali Nasr, Leading Specialist on Political Islam, Joins Council as Adjunct Senior Fellow

January 31, 2006—Professor Vali Nasr, a leading expert on Islam who specializes in political and social developments in the Muslim world, has joined the Council as an adjunct senior fellow in Middle …

March 26, 2008

Conflict Prevention
Nasr: Iraqi Prime Minister ‘Irrelevant’ in Shiite Power Struggle

Vali R. Nasr, a leading expert on Shiites, says the fighting in southern Iraq amounts to a power struggle between pro and anti-U.S. Shiite militias. The country’s Shiite prime minister, he says, is “…