66 Results for:

June 2, 2006

Palestinian Territories
Asali: Palestinians Support Abbas’ Referendum Plan by Huge Majority

Ziad J. Asali, president and founder of the American Task Force on Palestine, a group dedicated to setting up a state of Palestine alongside that of Israel, says that the call two weeks ago by Palest…

September 15, 2011

Palestinian Territories
Avoiding Collision Course in Mideast

Palestinian President Abbas’s plan to seek statehood status at the UN next week has spurred new crisis-diplomacy efforts, but political pressures on all sides could make a deal hard to come by, says …

August 2, 2012

Middle East and North Africa
A Reminder From Hamas

What are the beliefs of the terrorist group Hamas and how likely is it any peace can be negotiated with Hamas?  Hamas is a part of the Muslim Brotherhood, and the advent of an MB government in Egypt-…

Entrance at Auschwitz

December 11, 2014

United States
This Week: Torture Report Reactions, Failed Yemen Rescue, and a Deadly Palestinian Protest

Significant Developments CIA Torture Report. Official reaction in the Middle East to the release yesterday of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence report on torture has been muted so far, wit…

Feinstein 12.11.14 final

July 6, 2012

Weekend Reading: Egyptians Getting Down to Business, Freedom of the Press in Morsy’s Egypt, and Libya’s Stalled Revolution

Issandr al-Amrani says Egypt’s new government can waste no more time getting down to business in solving the country’s exigent problems, after its lengthy transitional period. Ziad Oleimi on Al-Moni…

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