Africa Program Update
from Africa in Transition

Africa Program Update

More on:

Sub-Saharan Africa

This is hopefully the beginning of semi-regular informal updates of what’s going on with the Ralph Bunche Chair here at the Council on Foreign Relations Africa program.

We recently hired a new intern, Charlie Warren. He is replacing our long-time intern Mohamed Jallow, who has joined the CFR staff full time.

The teaching notes accompanying Nigeria: Dancing on the Brink, are up on the website and can be downloaded here. They include discussion questions, class activities, assignments, supplemental reading, and our video backgrounders on Key Issues in Nigeria.

For public programming, I will be talking live with Jay Ackroyd on Blog Talk Radio about Nigeria, Sudan, Uganda and Wikileaks. Listen in at 9:00 p.m. tonight.

Otherwise, it has been a very busy past couple of weeks, with travel to Canada, Germany and the UK to talk about various African issues.

More on:

Sub-Saharan Africa