CFR is Hiring a New Energy Fellow
from Energy, Security, and Climate and Energy Security and Climate Change Program

CFR is Hiring a New Energy Fellow

Many readers of this blog are familiar with the great work on energy, economics, and security that Blake Clayton has done at CFR over the last few years. Blake recently moved to Citigroup and became an adjunct fellow here. That means we’re searching for someone new to be a full-time CFR fellow for energy.

The new fellow will work with me to lead the CFR Project on Energy, Economics, and International Security. This is a fantastic opportunity for a scholar relatively early in their career (the ideal candidate will have a PhD and 3-5 years of postdoctoral experience in industry, academia, or government, though we’re keeping an open mind) who wants to do policy-relevant work at the intersection of economics and security. The work will be a mix of original research and writing; commissioning and supervising outside papers; and convening groups to explore important issues. Subject areas covered by the Project will include research on the fundamentals of the relationship between energy, economics, and international security; the U.S. oil and gas boom and its consequences; interactions between economic, security, and climate change outcomes; and understanding major energy producing and consuming countries. The new fellow will play a major role not only in producing their own research but also in setting the overall direction for the project.

The full position description is here. Please do share this opportunity with anyone you think might be interested.