Conflict Continues in Rakhine State
from Asia Unbound

Conflict Continues in Rakhine State

Myanmar people of Rohingya ethnicity who are living in Malaysia, display placards during a rally outside Malaysia's Foreign Ministry in Putrajaya.
Myanmar people of Rohingya ethnicity who are living in Malaysia, display placards during a rally outside Malaysia's Foreign Ministry in Putrajaya.

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The continuing violence in Rakhine (or Arakan) State in western Myanmar, as well as the expanding war in Kachin State (see an excellent piece on Kachin State by Bertil Lintner here) threaten the reforms that Thein Sein continues to push through. Some specialists on western Myanmar are now urging that Aung San Suu Kyi, who has been mostly quiet on the conflict, become a kind of personal special envoy to both sides in Rakhine State to try and cool tensions. In a new article in The National, I examine the roots of the conflict, and discuss my ultimately pessimistic conclusions about whether it can be resolved. You read the entire piece here.

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Politics and Government