Gone (ice) fishing …
from Follow the Money

Gone (ice) fishing …

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I will be away from my desk for the next week or so on a business trip.  I'll probably post a bit, modern communications and all.  But I doubt I'll post every day.    I suspect that a couple of the current discussion threads will continue, or feel free to use this as an open thread.


Those who want more on the current account should see if Menzie Chinn has posted anything over at Econbrowser. James Hamilton scored a real coup when he convinced Chinn to sign up; their combined expertise on oil, the current account and macroeconomics generally is hard to match. 

Those looking to satisfy their inner quant should check out Information Processing/ Steve Hsu.  But be prepared for questions like "Is Gravity Ergodic?" Steve is a real quant, or could be if he ever gave up physics. 

Those looking for rants on why Saudi Arabia's dollar peg is an impediment to global adjustment will need to wait a bit ... as I doubt anyone else is quite as seized by this issue.  

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