New job
from Follow the Money

New job

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A small announcement: Last week I started a new job, as a fellow in Geoeconomics at the Council on Foreign Relations.   

At least in the near-term, this is a much bigger change for me than for readers of this blog.  For the time being, nothing much is going to change.   I will still be blogging on the RGE site as an external contributor.  

My interests also haven't changed: I still intend to focus on the dollar, central bank reserves, sovereign wealth funds and the political consequences (if any) of the United States now substantial dependence on the governments of other states for financing. 

If anyone wants to quote me, though, I am sure the Council would be happier if I was identified as a CFR fellow rather than a senior economist at RGEMonitor.   At least so long as I don't say anything too embarassing.   

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