Palestine in the UN: A Failure of Leadership
from Pressure Points and Middle East Program

Palestine in the UN: A Failure of Leadership

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Palestinian Territories

A visit to London for a conference and several panel appearances this week has not inspired much optimism about Israeli-Palestinian developments. In an article today in The Weekly Standard, I report what I found and suggest that the UN gambit is a damaging move by the PLO/Fatah top brass. Going to the UN is a diversion and “This is in large part a failure of leadership, so long the Palestinian curse—from Haj Amin Al Husseini through Arafat to the Fatah crew today. Moderate views exist and moderate voices are heard. Those who understand the need to build their state from the bottom up do exist as well, have achieved a great deal, and do have serious popular backing. If the Fatah leaders took up the cause of building their own state instead of tearing down their neighbor’s, peace could be achieved.”  The article is here.



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Palestinian Territories