The "Stabbing Intifada" Gets Worse (But Not on CBS)
from Pressure Points and Middle East Program

The "Stabbing Intifada" Gets Worse (But Not on CBS)

The stabbing attacks that have plagued Israel in the last several months have generally been "lone wolf" attacks. That is, as bad as the attacks were, they have been actions by single individuals. Yesterday that situation changed.

In Jerusalem, at the Damascus Gate to the Old City, three Palestinians attacked when they were approached by border police, killing an 18 year old border policewoman and wounding another. The three terrorists were armed not only with knives, but also with automatic weapons and explosive devices. It seems obvious they were planning a larger event, with many fatalities. So this was no lone wolf attack, but a planned conspiracy to inflict mass casualties.

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Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Middle East and North Africa

It’s worth noting that the danger Israel faces is still being ignored or actually buried by many Western media. No--not just in Sweden or elsewhere in Europe. Here too, and in the most recent case by CBS. The three Palestinian terrorists in this Damascus Gate attack were killed by Israel police. So, what was the CBS headline? "Terrorists Killed After Attack." Nope, try again: it was “3 Palestinians killed as daily violence grinds on.”

After the government of Israel protested, CBS changed the headline. But is that the end of the matter? Will CBS inquire into how a terrorist attack on Israelis is portrayed by its editorial staff as an Israeli attack on Palestinians? Will anyone be held responsible? Place your bets. Mine is that nothing changes.

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Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Middle East and North Africa