Syria by the Numbers II
from Middle East Matters and Middle East Program

Syria by the Numbers II

More on:

Middle East and North Africa

Political Movements


Length of Conflict

17 months


Total opposition deaths: 17,778 - 22,601

Civilians: 16,032 - 20,958

Children: 1662 - 1754

Opposition military: 1643 - 1746

Deaths by Province

Homs: 5670 - 7242

Idleb: 3500 - 2614

Hama: 1997 - 2571

Daraa: 1755 - 2254

Rural Damascus: 2233 - 2982

Deir Ezzor: 1094 - 1285

Damascus: 742 - 791

Aleppo: 1038 - 1276

Latakia: 361 - 432

Hasaka: 121 - 85

Tartous: 37 - 71

Raqqa: 68 - 71

Qunaitera: 32 – 28

Swuaida: 16 - 13

(Sources: Syrian for Human Rights Network and Syrian Shuhada)

UN Registered Refugees

Total refugees assisted by the UN in Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq: 122,253

Refugees in Turkey: 44,188

Refugees in Jordan: 36,824

Refugees in Lebanon: 32,796

Refugees in Iraq: 8,445

Estimated Number of Refugees

Estimated total number of refugees: 276,000

Refugees in Turkey: 70,000

Refugees in Jordan: 140,000

Refugees in Lebanon: 31,000

Refugees in Iraq: 11,000

Internally Displaced 

Estimated total number of displaced Syrians: 1,550,000


UN agencies’ Syria Response Plan: $180 million

Percent funded: 35%

Deaths Last Week

Number of Syrians killed last week: 1,455

Daily average of Syrians killed last week: 208

More on:

Middle East and North Africa

Political Movements
