Tunisia - The Weekend After
from From the Potomac to the Euphrates and Middle East Program

Tunisia - The Weekend After

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Politics and Government


A protester chants slogans as she holds a placard during a demonstration in downtown Tunis January 18, 2011. Tunisia’s new coalition government hit trouble on Tuesday, with three ministers quitting and an opposition party threatening to walk out in protest at the presence of members of the party of the ousted president. The placard reads, "No to a government born of corruption". (Zohra Bensemra/Courtesy Reuters)

Hi folks,

It was an Tunisia-filled MLK weekend for me. As President  Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and his family fled to Saudi Arabia, the interim government, led by Prime Minister Mohamed Ghannouchi and President Fouad Mebazaa, sought to create a unity government. Now, that government is facing resignations from a slew of ministers who want change from the new regime. It is yet to be seen what will come from this new unity government, but if you would like a better understanding of the crisis in Tunisia, here are links to my First Take on the situation in Tunisia, as well as my appearances on PRI’s The World, and ABC News.

More on:

Politics and Government
