For two years, the world has been battling COVID-19 with masks, vaccines, and lockdowns. But countries have largely failed to channel their shared experiences into a blueprint for action.
Feb 4, 2022
For two years, the world has been battling COVID-19 with masks, vaccines, and lockdowns. But countries have largely failed to channel their shared experiences into a blueprint for action.
Feb 4, 2022
  • Health
    What Does the CDC Do?
    The federal agency has a broad mandate to protect Americans’ health and an expansive global reach. But the COVID-19 pandemic has been one of its most daunting challenges.
  • Public Health Threats and Pandemics
    Major Epidemics of the Modern Era
    For more than a century, countries have wrestled with how to improve international cooperation in the face of major outbreaks of infectious diseases. The COVID-19 pandemic, which brought the world to a near halt in 2020 and has killed nearly seven million people, underscores the urgency.
  • World Trade Organization (WTO)
    The WTO Hangs On
    WTO members confounded expectations last week by concluding a deal on fisheries subsidies, the first major multilateral agreement in nearly a decade. But the trade body is not out of the woods yet.
  • United States
    Robert B. Menschel Economics Symposium
    The 2022 Robert B. Menschel Economics Symposium discusses the current state of inflation in the United States through the lens of behavioral economics, including how public perceptions might contribute to rising inflation rates. The full agenda is available here. The Robert B. Menschel Economics Symposium, presented by the Maurice R. Greenberg Center for Geoeconomic Studies, generates critical thinking about the consequences of herd mentality behavior in global economics. This symposium was established in 2014 and was made possible through a generous endowment gift from Robert B. Menschel while a senior director at Goldman Sachs. Since Menschel’s death earlier this year, the symposium continues in his honor and memory.
  • Globalization
    Coping With Deglobalization: A Conversation With the Council of Councils
    Richard Haass, Sergio M. Alcocer, and Yul Sohn assess the degree of deglobalization and the dynamics behind any trend, whether the COVID-19 pandemic significantly accelerated developments, and the implications for international cooperation moving forward. The Council of Councils (CoC) is an international initiative created by the Council on Foreign Relations to connect leading foreign policy institutes from around the world in a dialogue on issues of global governance and multilateral cooperation. The CoC is composed of twenty-eight major policy institutes from some of the world’s most influential countries. It is designed to facilitate candid, not-for-attribution dialogue and consensus-building among influential opinion leaders from both established and emerging nations, with the ultimate purpose of injecting the conclusions of its deliberations into high-level foreign policy circles within members' countries.
  • World Health Organization (WHO)
    What Does the World Health Organization Do?
    Since its postwar founding, the UN agency has garnered both praise and criticism for its response to international public health crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • China
    "Runology:” How to "Run Away" From China
    China's forever lockdowns have caused some to look for a radical solution: to emigrate, or run away from what they see as a lost future in China. 
  • Public Health Threats and Pandemics
    Strengthening Public Health Systems: From Global to Local
    If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught the world anything about public health, it is humility: the United States has as much to learn about public health practices from its foreign counterparts as they have to learn from the United States. This symposium explores ways in which global public health systems can be strengthened, discusses lessons learned from public health officials, and provides a path forward for practitioners and the public during the pandemic and beyond. The full agenda is available here.  The Global Health Symposium is made possible through the generous support of Bloomberg Philanthropies.  
  • China
    Political Participation in China: What’s Allowed Under Xi?
    President Xi Jinping has increasingly suppressed online activism and protests about COVID-19 and a variety of other issues. What avenues for political expression do Chinese citizens have?
  • Health
    A Conversation With Secretary Xavier Becerra
    Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra discusses the agency’s global footprint, including how COVID-19 exposed systemic disparities in healthcare at home and abroad, plans to prepare for future pandemics, and efforts to restore global partnerships. 
  • Inequality
    The U.S. Inequality Debate
    Public policy experts call income and wealth inequality one of the defining challenges of this century. Recent crises have accelerated these divisions, and the COVID-19 pandemic has deepened them further.   
  • Japan
    Japan Has Weathered COVID-19 Better Than Many, but Problems Persist
    Two years into the pandemic, Japan has proven more effective than the United States and European countries at managing outbreaks. Still, the Japanese public has criticized government efforts, and two prime ministers have stepped down.