Historical Roster of Directors and Officers
Members of the Board
Isaiah Bowman 1921–50
Archibald Cary Coolidge 1921–28
Paul D. Cravath 1921–40
John W. Davis 1921–55
Norman H. Davis 1921–44
Stephen P. Duggan 1921–50
John H. Finley 1921–29
Edwin F. Gay 1921–45
David F. Houston 1921–27
Otto H. Kahn 1921–34
Frank L. Polk 1921–43
Whitney H. Shepardson 1921–66
William R. Shepherd 1921–27
Paul M. Warburg 1921–32
George W. Wickersham 1921–36
Allen W. Dulles 1927–69
Russell C. Leffingwell 1927–60
George O. May 1927–53
Wesley C. Mitchell 1927–34
Owen D. Young 1927–40
Hamilton Fish Armstrong 1928–72
Charles P. Howland 1929–31
Walter Lippmann 1932–37
Clarence M. Woolley 1932–35
Frank Altschul 1934–72
Philip C. Jessup 1934–42
Harold W. Dodds 1935–43
Leon Fraser 1936–45
John H. Williams 1937–64
Lewis W. Douglas 1940–64
Edward Warner 1940–49
Clarence E. Hunter 1942–53
Myron C. Taylor 1943–59
Henry M. Wriston 1943–67
Thomas K. Finletter 1944–67
William A.M. Burden 1945–74
Walter H. Mallory 1945–68
Philip D. Reed 1945–69
Winfield W. Riefler 1945–50
David Rockefeller 1949–85
W. Averell Harriman 1950–55
Joseph E. Johnson 1950–74
Grayson Kirk 1950–73
Devereux C. Josephs 1951–58
Elliott V. Bell 1953–66
John J. McCloy 1953–72
Arthur H. Dean 1955–72
Charles M. Spofford 1955–72
Adlai E. Stevenson 1958–62
William C. Foster 1959–72
Caryl P. Haskins 1961–75
James A. Perkins 1963–79
William P. Bundy 1964–74
Gabriel Hauge 1964–81
Carroll L. Wilson 1964–79
Douglas Dillon 1965–78
Henry R. Labouisse 1965–74
Lucian W. Pye 1966–82
Robert V. Roosa 1966–81
Bill Moyers 1967–74
Alfred C. Neal 1967–76
Cyrus R. Vance 1968–76, 1981–87
Hedley Donovan 1969–79
Najeeb E. Halaby 1970–72
Bayless Manning 1971–77
W. Michael Blumenthal 1972–77, 1979–84
Zbigniew Brzezinski 1972–77
Elizabeth Drew 1972–77
George S. Franklin 1972–83
Marshall D. Shulman 1972–77
Martha Redfield Wallace 1972–82
Paul C. Warnke 1972–77
Peter G. Peterson 1973–83, 1984–2007
Robert O. Anderson 1974–80
Edward K. Hamilton 1974–83
Harry C. McPherson Jr. 1974–77
Elliot L. Richardson 1974–75
Nicholas deB. Katzenbach 1975–86
Paul A. Volcker 1975–79, 1988–99
Franklin Hall Williams 1975–83
Theodore M. Hesburgh 1976–85
Lane Kirkland 1976–86
George H.W. Bush 1977–79
Lloyd N. Cutler 1977–79
Philip L. Geyelin 1977–87
Henry A. Kissinger 1977–81
Winston Lord 1977–85
Stephen Stamas 1977–89
Marina v.N. Whitman 1977–87
C. Peter McColough 1978–87
Graham T. Allison Jr. 1979–88
Richard L. Gelb 1979–88
William D. Ruckelshaus 1979–83
James F. Hoge Jr. 1980–84
William D. Rogers 1980–90
George P. Shultz 1980–82
Lewis T. Preston 1981–88
Walter B. Wriston 1981–87
Warren Christopher 1982–91
Alan Greenspan 1982–88
Robert A. Scalapino 1982–89
Harold Brown 1983–92
Stanley Hoffmann 1983–92
Juanita M. Kreps 1983–89
Brent Scowcroft 1983–89
Clifton R. Wharton Jr. 1983–92
Donald F. McHenry 1984–93
B. R. Inman 1985–93
Jeane J. Kirkpatrick 1985–94
Charles McC. Mathias Jr. 1986–92
Ruben F. Mettler 1986–92
Peter Tarnoff 1986–93
James E. Burke 1987–95
Richard B. Cheney 1987–89, 1993–95
Robert F. Erburu 1987–98
Karen Elliott House 1987–98, 2003–2008
Glenn E. Watts 1987–90
Thomas S. Foley 1988–94
James D. Robinson III 1988–91
Strobe Talbott 1988–93
John L. Clendenin 1989–94
William S. Cohen 1989–97
Joshua Lederberg 1989–98
John S. Reed 1989–92
Alice M. Rivlin 1989–92
William J. Crowe Jr. 1990–93
Thomas R. Donahue 1990–2001
Richard C. Holbrooke 1991–93, 1996–99, 2001–2009
Robert D. Hormats 1991–2004
John E. Bryson 1992–2002
Kenneth W. Dam 1992–2001
Maurice R. Greenberg 1992–2002, 2004–2009
Karen N. Horn 1992–95
James R. Houghton 1992–96
Charlayne Hunter-Gault 1992–98
Donna E. Shalala 1992–93
Paul A. Allaire 1993–2002
Robert E. Allen 1993–96
Richard N. Cooper 1993–94
E. Gerald Corrigan 1993–95
Alton Frye 1993
Leslie H. Gelb 1993–2001, 2002–2003
Rita E. Hauser 1993–97
Theodore C. Sorensen 1993–2004
Garrick Utley 1993–2003
Carla A. Hills 1994–2017
Helene L. Kaplan 1994–96
Frank G. Zarb 1994–96
Robert B. Zoellick 1994–2001
Les Aspin 1995
Mario L. Baeza 1995–2001
Peggy Dulany 1995–2003
Jessica P. Einhorn 1995–2005
Louis V. Gerstner Jr. 1995–2005
Hannah Holborn Gray 1995–98
William J. McDonough 1995–2004
George J. Mitchell 1995–2005
Frank Savage 1995–2002
George Soros 1995–2004
Lee Cullum 1996–2006
Vincent A. Mai 1997–2003
Warren B. Rudman 1997–2005
Laura D’Andrea Tyson 1997–2007
Roone Arledge 1998–2002
Martin S. Feldstein 1998–2008, 2009–2015
Bette Bao Lord 1998–2003
Michael H. Moskow 1998–2008
Diane Sawyer 1998–99
John Deutch 1999–2004
Robert E. Rubin 2000–2017
Andrew Young 2000–2005
Henry S. Bienen 2001–2011
Kenneth M. Duberstein 2001–2012
Joan E. Spero 2001–2011
Vin Weber 2001–2011, 2012–2019
Fouad Ajami 2002–2012
Jeffrey L. Bewkes 2002–2006
Ronald L. Olson 2002–2010
Thomas R. Pickering 2002–2007
Helene D. Gayle 2003–2008
Richard N. Haass 2003–2023
Richard E. Salomon 2003–2013, 2014–2017
Anne-Marie Slaughter 2003–2009
Madeleine K. Albright 2004–2014
Richard N. Foster 2004–2009
Joseph S. Nye Jr. 2004–2013
Fareed Zakaria 2004–2014, 2017–
Peter Ackerman 2005–2015
Charlene Barshefsky 2005–2010
Stephen W. Bosworth 2005–2009
Tom Brokaw 2005–2015
David M. Rubenstein 2005–
Frank J. Caufield 2006–2010
Ann M. Fudge 2006–2016
Alberto Ibargüen 2006–2013
Henry R. Kravis 2006–2012
James W. Owens 2006–2014
Colin M. Powell 2006–2016
Christine Todd Whitman 2006–2016
Sylvia Mathews Burwell 2007–2013, 2017–
Stephen Friedman 2007–2017
Jami Miscik 2007–
Alan S. Blinder 2008–2018
J. Tomilson Hill 2008–2018
Shirley Ann Jackson 2008–2018
George Rupp 2008–2013
David G. Bradley 2009–2019
Donna J. Hrinak 2009–2019
Penny S. Pritzker 2009–2013
Frederick W. Smith 2009–2014
John P. Abizaid 2010–2019
Mary McInnis Boies 2010–2020
Pamela Brooks Gann 2010–2015
Thomas H. Glocer 2011–2016
Eduardo J. Padrón 2011–2021
Peter B. Henry 2012–2017
Muhtar Kent 2012–2014
Margaret G. Warner 2012–2022
Zoë Baird 2013–2018
Nicholas Burns 2013–2018
Steven A. Denning 2013–2021
Laurence D. Fink 2013–2023
Ruth Porat 2013–2018; 2020–
Blair Effron 2014–
Susan Hockfield 2014–2019
John Paulson 2014–2021
James G. Stavridis 2014–2019
Daniel H. Yergin 2014–2024
Timothy F. Geithner 2015–2023
Stephen J. Hadley 2015–
James Manyika 2015–
Richard L. Plepler 2015–
Tony Coles 2016–
David M. Cote 2016–2021
William H. McRaven 2016–
Janet A. Napolitano 2016–
Ash Carter 2017–2022
James P. Gorman 2017–
Laurene Powell Jobs 2017–
Kenneth I. Chenault 2018–
Stephen C. Freidheim 2018–
Margaret (Peggy) Hamburg 2018–
Charles Phillips 2018–
Cecilia Elena Rouse 2018–2021
Frances Fragos Townsend 2018–
Thad W. Allen 2019–2024
Afsaneh Mashayekhi Beschloss 2019–
Jeh Charles Johnson 2019–2024
Meghan L. O'Sullivan 2019–
L. Rafael Reif 2019–
Nicholas F. Beim 2020–
Cesar Conde 2021–
Nathaniel Fick 2021–2022
Deven J. Parekh 2021–
Tracey T. Travis 2021–
Margaret Brennan 2022–
Jane Fraser 2022–
Justin G. Muzinich 2023–
Mariko Silver 2023–
James D. Taiclet 2023–
Amy Zegart 2023–
Michèle Flournoy 2024–
William Hurd 2024–
Charles R. Kaye 2024–
Chairmen of the Board
Russell C. Leffingwell 1946–53
John J. McCloy 1953–70
David Rockefeller 1970–85
Peter G. Peterson 1985–2007
Carla A. Hills (Co-Chairman) 2007–2017
Robert E. Rubin (Co-Chairman) 2007–2017
David M. Rubenstein 2017–
Chairmen Emeriti
Peter G. Peterson 2007–2018
Carla A. Hills 2017–
Robert E. Rubin 2017–
Honorary Chairmen
John J. McCloy 1970–1989
David Rockefeller 1985–2017
Vice Chairmen of the Board
Grayson Kirk 1971–73
Cyrus R. Vance 1973–76, 1985–87
Douglas Dillon 1976–78
Carroll L. Wilson 1978–79
Warren Christopher 1987–91
Harold Brown 1991–92
B. R. Inman 1992–93
Jeane J. Kirkpatrick 1993–94
Maurice R. Greenberg 1994–2002
Carla A. Hills 2001–2007
William J. McDonough 2002–2003
Robert E. Rubin 2003–2007
Richard E. Salomon 2007–2013
David M. Rubenstein 2012–2017
Blair Effron 2017–
Jami Miscik 2017–
Honorary Vice Chairmen
Maurice R. Greenberg 2002–
John W. Davis 1921–33
George W. Wickersham 1933–36
Norman H. Davis 1936–44
Russell C. Leffingwell 1944–46
Allen W. Dulles 1946–50
Henry M. Wriston 1951–64
Grayson Kirk 1964–71
Bayless Manning 1971–77
Winston Lord 1977–85
John Temple Swing (pro-tempore) 1985–86
Peter Tarnoff 1986–93
Alton Frye 1993
Leslie H. Gelb 1993–2003
Richard N. Haass 2003–2023
Michael B.G. Froman 2023–
President Emeritus
Leslie H. Gelb 2003–2019
Richard N. Haass 2023–
Honorary Presidents
Elihu Root 1921–37
Henry M. Wriston 1964–78
Executive Vice Presidents
John Temple Swing 1986–93
Michael P. Peters 2002–2005
Keith Olson 2012–2024
Steven Bennett 2024-
Senior Vice Presidents
Alton Frye 1993–98
Kenneth H. Keller 1993–95
Larry L. Fabian 1994–95
Michael P. Peters 1995–2002
Paula J. Dobriansky 2001
Charles G. Boyd 2001–2002
David Kellogg 2002–2010
Janice L. Murray 2002–2009
James M. Lindsay 2009–2024
Shannon K. O'Neil 2024–
Vice Presidents
Paul D. Cravath 1921–33
Norman H. Davis 1933–36
Edwin F. Gay 1933–40
Frank L. Polk 1940–43
Russell C. Leffingwell 1943–44
Allen W. Dulles 1944–46
Isaiah Bowman 1945–49
David Rockefeller 1950–70
Henry M. Wriston 1950–51
Frank Altschul 1951–71
Devereux C. Josephs 1951–52
David W. MacEachron 1972–74
John Temple Swing 1972–86
Alton Frye 1987–93
William H. Gleysteen Jr. 1987–89
John A. Millington 1987–96
Margaret Osmer-McQuade 1987–93
Nicholas X. Rizopoulos 1989–94
Karen M. Sughrue 1993–98
Ethan B. Kapstein 1995–96
Abraham F. Lowenthal 1995–2005
Janice L. Murray 1995–2002
David J. Vidal 1995–97
Frederick C. Broda 1996–97
Kenneth R. Maxwell 1996
Paula J. Dobriansky 1997–2001
Gary C. Hufbauer 1997–98
David Kellogg 1997–2002
Lawrence J. Korb 1998–2002
Anne R. Luzzatto 1998–2005
Elise Carlson Lewis 1999–2008
Irina A. Faskianos 2002–
Robert C. Orr 2002–2003
James M. Lindsay 2003–2006
Lisa Shields 2003–2022
Nancy E. Roman 2004–2007
Nancy D. Bodurtha 2005–
Suzanne E. Helm 2005–2024
Gary Samore 2006–2009
Kay King 2007–2011
L. Camille Massey 2008–2014
Jan Mowder Hughes 2010–2024
Caroline Netchvolodoff 2015–
Shannon K. O’Neil 2018–2024
Stephanie Solomon 2021–
Iva Zoric 2022–2024
Millie Tran 2024–
Benjamin Chang 2024–
Aimee Carter 2025–
Matt Quam 2025–
Executive Directors
Hamilton Fish Armstrong 1922–28
Malcolm W. Davis 1925–27
Walter H. Mallory 1927–59
George S. Franklin 1953–71
Edwin F. Gay 1921–33
Allen W. Dulles 1933–44
Frank Altschul 1944–72
John Temple Swing 1972–87
Judith Gustafson 1987–2000
Lilita V. Gusts 2000–2010
Jeffrey A. Reinke 2010–2024
Christopher M. Tuttle 2024–
Honorary Secretary
Frank Altschul 1972–81
Edwin F. Gay 1921–33
Whitney H. Shepardson 1933–42
Clarence E. Hunter 1942–51
Devereux C. Josephs 1951–52
Elliott V. Bell 1952–64
Gabriel Hauge 1964–81
Peter G. Peterson 1981–85
C. Peter McColough 1985–87
Lewis T. Preston 1987–88
James E. Burke 1988–89
David Woodbridge 1989–94
Janice L. Murray 1994–2009
Kenneth Castiglia 2010–2011
Keith Olson 2012–2024
Jennifer Perez 2024–
Editors of Foreign Affairs
Archibald Cary Coolidge 1922–28
Hamilton Fish Armstrong 1928–72
William P. Bundy 1972–84
William G. Hyland 1984–92
James F. Hoge Jr. 1992–2010
Gideon Rose 2010–2021
Daniel Kurtz-Phelan 2021–