The Rita Hauser Annual Event

Implications of the Arab Uprisings

The Council on Foreign Relations and St. Antony's College, University of Oxford, held a two day symposium on May 29 and May 30, 2012, which featured six panels discussing the implications of the Arab uprisings. The symposium, held in CFR's New York office, brought together leading experts and officials to discuss the political transitions across the Middle East, the regional consequences of the changes, and possible policy responses for the United States and Europe. Videos from the symposium can be viewed below. This symposium was made possible by the generous support of the Hauser Foundation.

Session 1: The Arab Uprisings: How Did We Get Here?


Margaret MacMillan joined Richard Haass for a conversation on the historical forces driving the current wave of popular uprisings sweeping the Middle East.

Session 2: Prospects for Democracy


Elliott Abrams and Michael Willis discussed with James M. Lindsay whether democracy was realized during the Arab uprisings of 2011. 

Session 3: Monarchies


Mohamad Bazzi and Eugene Rogan joined Raghida Dergham to discuss monarchies in the Middle East and whether they are resisting change or embracing it in their own ways.

Session 4: Islam and Politics


Isobel Coleman, Ed Husain, and Michael Willis discussed with Deborah Amos the role women played in the Arab Uprising, as well as the West's role in the uprising and the impact of Islamist movements on politics. 

Session 5: Regional Consequences: The Geopolitics of the Changing Middle East

Steven Cook, Marwa Daoudy, and Avi Shalim discussed with Michael Slackman the political trends in the Middle East and whether the region was more or less stable given the uprisings. 

Session 6: Policy Responses for the United States and Europe


Rob Danin and Eugene Rogan discussed with Gideon Rose attempts for the United States and Europe to bring together policy and rhetoric in regards to the Arab uprisings. 


Summary Report: Implications of the Arab Uprisings