Women and Foreign Policy Program

Democracy, Corruption, and the Fight Against Human Trafficking

Project Expert

Ann Norris Headshot
Ann Norris

Senior Fellow for Women and Foreign Policy

About the Project

In 2000, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the “Palermo Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children.” In the more than two decades since, considerable effort has been made to implement prevention measures, strengthen protections for victims, disrupt trafficking rings, and bring perpetrators to justice. However, hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children continue to fall victim to trafficking each year, enduring unspeakable abuses that yield enormous profits for traffickers. In fact, the International Labor Organization estimates that forced labor alone generates an estimated $150 billion in illegal profits for the private economy each year.  

The Project on Democracy, Corruption, and the Fight Against Human Trafficking highlights the linkages between weak institutions, corruption, and human trafficking, building bridges between policy makers working in these areas and elevating potential policy solutions. The project will result in a series of blog posts, short publications, roundtables, and a workshop.

 This project is made possible through the support of Humanity United.


Human Trafficking

The fight against human trafficking in the Northern Triangle and Mexico requires a comprehensive approach that acknowledges the profound impact of corruption and weak or non-existent democratic institutions.


Without new measures to build democratic institutions, entrenched corruption, migration, and violence will only get worse.  

Human Trafficking

It is time for a new approach to human trafficking. We need to change how we talk about human trafficking and tackle challenges faced by vulnerable communities. 

Human Trafficking

A lack of legal protections and supportive services coupled with pervasive corruption makes this population particularly vulnerable. Women and girls are especially at risk.   
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