See How Much You Know About France

The moon is seen behind the Genie de la Liberte gilded figure on top of the Place de la Bastille’s July Column in Paris.
The moon is seen behind the Genie de la Liberte gilded figure on top of the Place de la Bastille’s July Column in Paris. Charles Platiau/Reuters

Test your knowledge of France, from its long alliance with the United States to its overseas territories.  

December 11, 2018 10:46 am (EST)

The moon is seen behind the Genie de la Liberte gilded figure on top of the Place de la Bastille’s July Column in Paris.
The moon is seen behind the Genie de la Liberte gilded figure on top of the Place de la Bastille’s July Column in Paris. Charles Platiau/Reuters
Test your knowledge of countries, history, economics, foreign policy, and more.

President Emmanuel Macron’s election reshaped the French political landscape, but his administration has grappled with domestic discontent. Find out how much you know about the longtime U.S. ally.

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