High Stakes for Young Lives
Report from Women and Foreign Policy Program
Report from Women and Foreign Policy Program

High Stakes for Young Lives

Examining Strategies to Stop Child Marriage

April 2014 , 17 Pages



There is no single strategy for eliminating child marriage globally. Ending the practice will require a combination of legal frameworks, education policies, enforcement standards, attitude shifts, and economic incentives. Even with growing attention paid to the dangerous consequences of child marriage, a solid understanding about what works and what does not in combatting the practice remains elusive.

Gayle Tzemach Lemmon

Adjunct Senior Fellow for Women and Foreign Policy

Senior Fellow for Women and Foreign Policy Gayle Tzemach Lemmon and Research Associate Lynn S. ElHarake examine the social, economic, and cultural factors driving child marriage in order to help policymakers and civil society leaders curb, and eventually eliminate, child marriage.

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Women and Women's Rights

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This working paper was made possible thanks to generous support from the Ford Foundation, and is part of the Women and Foreign Policy program.

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Women and Women's Rights

Aging, Youth Bulges, and Population

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