72 Results for:

December 8, 2014

Is the U.S.-Egypt Special Relationship Over?

The United States and Egypt are unlikely to rebuild the strategic partnership they had decades ago, even though some in both countries favor a rapprochement, says CFR’s Steven Cook. 

September 8, 2009

United States
Obama Will Play A Major Role at UN General Assembly

Thomas J. Miller, a veteran U.S. diplomat, says President Barack Obama should highlight the value of multilateral diplomacy and the tension between north and south Sudan in his UN General Assembly sp…

March 27, 2013

Iran’s New Year Challenges

At the start of the Persian New Year, leaders in Iran are faced with a host of difficult political challenges, both foreign and domestic, says expert Karim Sadjadpour.

February 1, 2005

Scheinman: Iran, North Korea, and the NPT’s Loopholes

Lawrence Scheinman, a top arms control official in the Clinton administration, says he is concerned that Iran is using the cover of the 35-year old Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons …

July 23, 2015

Iran Nuclear Agreement
How Binding Is the Iran Deal?

The Iran nuclear deal and subsequent UN Security Council resolution do little to bind the United States legally, though policymakers would face political pressure against reinstating sanctions, says …