235 Results for:

April 29, 2019

North Korea
Where Does the Russia-North Korea Relationship Stand?

Russian President Putin reiterated the importance of denuclearization during last week’s summit, but did not provide visible sanctions relief for North Korean leader Kim. 

Russian President Vladimir Putin walks with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Vladivostok, Russia.

December 17, 2021

North Korea
How Kim Jong-un Advanced North Korea’s Military in a Decade

Kim Jong-un’s first ten years as North Korea’s leader were marked by economic failures, halting nuclear diplomacy, and a steady ramp-up of military power.

October 8, 2019

North Korea
Why U.S.-North Korea Talks Failed Again

Denuclearization talks over the weekend ended in another stalemate, and it remains to be seen if negotiations will resume in the coming weeks.

November 28, 2018

North Korea
North Korean Missile Tests: A Wary Pause

Ramped-up diplomacy in 2018 has eased tensions on the Korean Peninsula and led to a one-year halt in missile testing. But Pyongyang has not yet taken credible steps toward denuclearization.

Korea Missile

February 12, 2024

What Tucker Carlson’s Putin Interview Means for the War in Ukraine

In last week’s rare interview with a Western media figure, Russian President Vladimir Putin tried to combine a more reasonable tone with endless reminders of why Western governments think he’s not re…

Russian President Vladimir Putin in an interview with U.S. television host Tucker Carlson in Moscow.

June 30, 2023

South Korea
What’s Causing the Rise in China-South Korea Tensions?

Mounting frictions between the two sides appear to be part of China’s efforts to disrupt the ties between South Korea and the United States but could end up drawing the two allies even closer.